Start Your Home Inspection Business
NO licensing in GA and NO exam required. AREA can help you learn how to conduct a comprehensive home inspection. Receive business and marketing advice, sample reports, and more. Endorsed by Inter National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (Inter NACHI) and Housing Inspection Foundation (HIF). Courses provide opportunity to be a Registered or Certified Inspector.
Need ICC CEU credits, ASHI, or NAHI membership renewal credits?
We can help! Contact the office for details 770-591-5552 or
*These courses are approved for ASHI and NAHI membership renewal credits. Contact the office for details 770-591-5552 or
Dearborn - Upon completion, fax the affidavit to the school at 770-591-5379. Courses available for 1 year time period. Printing capability is enabled. Courses compatible with MAC.
Principles of Home Inspection – 100 + Hours ($795.00)
This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive introduction to home inspection and offers everything you'll need to become a professional home inspector. It features detailed illustrations, clear explanations, and a quantity and quality of information unequaled anywhere. As part of our line of prelicensing products, this course combines lessons that students can review at their own pace, up to five different types of interactive exercises, and exams that measure student understanding of the material. Course Outine
OnCourse Learning - Policies Course Demo - Information
Home Inspection Continuing Education Courses
HVAC – 32 Hours ($320.00) |
This course teaches you the requirements of HVAC inspection. Learn the fundamentals of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and materials typically encountered during mechanical inspections. You will gain a solid understanding of cooling and ventilation, sources of heat, energy supplies, heat loss and gain, air movement, conventional installation methods, space heaters, introduction to electric heating, safety issues and more. |
Plumbing - 21 Hours ($210.00) |
This course provides you with a sound introduction to the components, materials and mechanics of plumbing systems. Learn the basics of supply, drain, waste and vent piping, fixtures and materials. Topics include proper installation practices, inspection methods and strategies, history of indoor plumbing, sources of potable water, heating, cross-connection control, and typical conditions found. |
Roofing Systems – 21 Hours ($210.00) |
Learn the fundamental components, materials and mechanics involved in roofing and exterior system inspections. This course covers nomenclature, materials, installation methods, proper reporting to clients and other parties, history of residential roofing, known defective materials, typical maintenance needs, roofing components and more. |
Structural Components – 15 Hours ($150.00) |
This course teaches you the aspects of structural components involved in a home inspection. Learn the fundamentals of foundations and drainage, soil concepts, repairs, floor structures, and masonary walls typically encountered during structural inspections. You will gain a solid understanding of foundation materials, floor system components, foundation movement, wood framed walls, and more. |
Electrical – 10 Hours ($100.00) |
Performing electrical inspections requires a general working knowledge of the fundamentals of wiring, voltage, current and materials typically encountered. In this course, you will learn the tools and methods required and grasp the ramifications and magnitude of conditions found during the inspection. Topics include overview of electricity, service equipment and grounding, resistance, wiring methods, devices and lighting fixtures. |
Exteriors – 10 Hours ($100.00) |
This course teaches you the requirements of an exterior inspection. You will gain a solid understanding of lots, landscape, retaining walls, exterior siding, exterior doors, driveways, patios, windows, and more. This course also teaches about the common problems, defects, and installation process involved in an exterior inspection. |
Interiors – 10 Hours ($100.00) |
This course teaches you the requirements of an interior inspection. You will gain a solid understanding of drywalls, ceilings, flooring, interior doors, stairs, cabinets, countertops, appliances, basements, and more. This course also teaches about the common problems, defects, and installation process involved in an interior inspection. |
Insulation and Ventilation – 8 Hours ($80.00) |
This course teaches you the requirements of insulation and ventilation. Learn the fundamentals of heat, heat transfer, types of insulation, moisture movement, and more. You will gain a solid understanding of the types insulation materials, the types of ventilation systems, and more. |
Home Inspection Business Practices – 6 Hours ($60.00) |
This course teaches what a home inspection is and the purpose behind it. You will learn the common safety hazards, functional defects, and cosmetic issues associated with a home inspection. Report writing and legal issues will also be covered in this course. |
ASHI Standards of Practice – 1 Hour ($10.00) |
The purpose of this course is to establish a minimum and uniform standard for private, fee-paid home inspectors who are members of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHITM). Home Inspections performed to these Standards of Practice are intended to provide the client with information regarding the condition of the systems and components of the home as inspected at the time of the home inspection. |
Garages – 1 Hour ($10.00) |
This course provides you with a sound introduction to garages. Learn the basics of attached garages and detached garages. This course also describes the standards for fire walls and fire doors in attached garages. Learn the common problems and defects of garage doors and automatic garage door openers. |
NAHI Standards of Practice – 1 Hour ($10.00) |
The purpose of this course is to provide the minimum standards of performance for a written report on a residential home inspection performed according the National Association of Home Inspectors, Inc. (NAHITM). The standards define and clarify the purpose, conditions, limitations, exclusions, and certain terms relating to an inspection. The standards also describe those items, components, and systems included in the scope of an inspection.
*These courses are approved for ASHI and NAHI membership renewal credits. Contact the office for details 770-591-5552 or |